
Who's Counting ?

Please close your eyes for a few moments. Now take your mind to the kitchen and mentally open every drawer. Can you count every item in every drawer as you proceed from one drawer to the next, to the next and to the next...now (keeping your eyes closed) count everything in every cabinet, then the refrigerator... then off to your bedroom....let's do one closet, then another... then each and every drawer...the linen closet...how about the books and magazines... ?

Who's Counting?

Now lets go to the basement or garage or workshop or cottage...Can you list everything there? Assume you aren't available...can you Partner count any of it, some of it... all of it ?

"...been there...done that...". I couldn't...we couldn't... and after a house fire it took weeks and weeks to come close, after 11 years we are still recalling things we hadn't claimed.
Who wins in these circumstances? Not you ! Not me !

...and just what are pictures and family heirlooms worth?

Fire, flood (and oh yuk...sewers), hurricane, heavy snow loads, theft and whatever else... Most of us have seen the blindfolded couple on TV.. waiting for the Home Makeover Crew to 'redecorate' their home...

A friend had her home robbed. After all the claims had been made and the heirloom jewelry (her mother's ring) 'replaced' and the TV, VCR, Stereo etc. replaced with all new...she became suspicious of a van that was 'working' in her neighborhood and a young man that came knocking on her door without a satisfactory reason. She pursued this with the police and the crooks were caught. These fellows knew there was new marketable merchandise in my friend's home and that the 'new' was worth more than the 'originals' they had stolen several weeks earlier.

Who's Counting?

At work it can be shop lifting, employee 'finesse' or 'liberation' and all of the above... and perhaps more.

Every one of us have Assets of value to us. Even if they have no 'market' value they may be our greatest treasures.

It is pro-active to document or inventory our assets...to write it down...have a digital picture library of everything and store it in a very safe place. Perhaps items of extra value will need
extra protection.

Think quick: my original Will, my Powers of Attorney for ... my 'Dad, Mother, Best Friend, Aunt's... my Medical directive, my deeds, my valuables... the documentation of my assets.

  • Can I find them at a moments notice?
  • Are they in a safe place?
  • Is someone able to find them quickly in an emergency?
  • Is someone able to find them when I'm not available to help?
  • Is there a copy of my inventory in the cabinet by the Computer? (...just so any self respecting 'invader' can take it along... so that their return trip will take them directly to the good stuff...yes this does happen... The story above is absolutely true!)
  • Am I properly protected and insured?

Yes, we are all vulnerable.
The less we have ...the less we can afford to lose... the more we have... the more we have to lose.

...and yes there are ways to protect my assets and your assets...no perfect systems mind you...but likely better than what most of us have in place right now...

It is great to close my eyes and know where everything is, the important papers, the
things that matter most.

I'll never under rate the memories...but that gets more challenging each year and those family photos do help!

Perhaps I've been able to get you thinking about counting.
If that is the case you may also have some questions or perhaps stories you'd like to share. Please do so by simply clicking on the envelope below.

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Consider these...

Within the circle of influence that makes up our lives there can be many Assets of value.

I am Asset #1.

In reality we often place comparable or greater value on someone or something else. There may be no Mother Teresa or Gandhi in our individual worlds...yet there may be a grandchild, a partner, even a treasured pet and loyal companion, some 'sainted' friend... It is rare that we don't have a special sense of appreciation and sensitivity for ...

In order to protect all those people and things in the best way for each of us the most important consideration may well be the protection of our lifestyle and all the factors that are part of it ...

One asset that is often vastly under rated falls within the realm of Memories, Experience and Personal Values. It is an often over looked asset, both before and after our hearts have ceased beating or our minds are no longer functioning. An Ethical Will can be shared at any time in our lives. Each of us know when that time is for ...

The first thing that the practical me thinks of may be the money matter ...

When it comes to the matter of money there are many among us that operate a business, large or small. It is a very significant consideration.
If not the owner or operator of a business then there is the probability, as a member of the workforce, of being employed by a small business. In that regard, it is important that the business is sustained... every arms' length business is then
my business ...

As an owner I have a responsibility...

As an owner I have a responsibility...
As an employee I have a responsibility to myself, my family and my employer...