What is Asset #1?
Quite simply 'I' am Asset #1,
and 'You' are Asset #1.
Why are we, as individuals, Asset #1? It is our lot in life to be the masters of our own worlds, our own successes and our own failures....
.....the most important Asset in the world that is: Me or You !
By protecting Asset #1, we, in turn, protect all the other assets that contribute to and make up our individual asset base. That base usually includes our families, our possessions, our heritage, our dreams and more.
Consider these...
Within the circle of influence that makes up our lives there can be many Assets of value.
I am Asset #1.
In reality we often place comparable or greater value on someone or something else. There may be no Mother Teresa or Gandhi in our individual worlds...yet there may be a grandchild, a partner, even a treasured pet and loyal companion, some 'sainted' friend... It is rare that we don't have a special sense of appreciation and sensitivity for ...
In order to protect all those people and things in the best way for each of us the most important consideration may well be the protection of our lifestyle and all the factors that are part of it ...
One asset that is often vastly under rated falls within the realm of Memories, Experience and Personal Values. It is an often over looked asset, both before and after our hearts have ceased beating or our minds are no longer functioning. An Ethical Will can be shared at any time in our lives. Each of us know when that time is for ...
The first thing that the practical me thinks of may be the money matter ...
When it comes to the matter of money there are many among us that operate a business, large or small. It is a very significant consideration.
If not the owner or operator of a business then there is the probability, as a member of the workforce, of being employed by a small business. In that regard, it is important that the business is sustained... every arms' length business is then
my business ...
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